Salads!!!!! Some of My Favorites!!!!

Thursday, September 24. 2020

There used to be a time when I didn't enjoy eating salads. Quite frankly, I'd still be hungry after eating a salad. Now, they are one of my absolute favorite meals. One of my favorite salads is a salmon salad with spinach as a base. I add avocado, carrots, cucumber, black beans, chick peas, banana peppers, shredded apples, grapes, oranges and feta cheese for a little bit of fat and flavor. No I don't use any dressing as the fruit adds a bit of juice and the cheese adds some flavor. My other favorite salad is a spinach salad with grilled shrimp. I add a boiled free range egg, avocado, table spoon of feta cheese, watermelon, shredded apples and mint. Both of these salads are absolutely delicious.

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